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Rule book
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The New Atlantis rule book came about over a number of years, and in June 1996 was published as part of the New Atlantis members handbook.

The members rules as published in the members handbook are reproduced in full, all 22 A4 pages broke into sections with a overall contents sheet.

This is more than a rule book it is a draft definition of a new country, complete with types of entities you will not have come across before, an honor system and grades of citizenship. Much of this has been discussed over many years as part of the choices project, and Atlantis prior to New Atlantis being formally set up.

The explanation covers some of the changes that have occurred since these were published.

The rule rook is in need of a rewrite, to reflect later changes, and some members feel that the emphasis may need to change, that a more forceful, and responsive approach and model is needed. A lot of discussion has been going on and will continue to, which may result in the constitution changing, or the priorities changing.